Browse Courses

Blockchain 101

Who is this for?

If you're wondering what blockchain is all about, whether it's all hype, what chains you can build on, what you can develop, and how to get started building, you've come to the right place! A basic understanding of blockchain and crypto can help you participate in the discussion.

What will you get out of this course?
  • Define key Blockchain and Crypto concepts like dApps, Smart Contracts, NFTs and DAOs.
  • Understand the use cases and the pros and cons of web3 technology.
  • Effectively, choose whether or not web3 technology is something valuable for your career.
  • Choose which Web3 tech stack is most appropriate for your project or career.

Table of Contents
1 What is blockchain, and why is it popular?

What is blockchain, and why is it popular?


2 The difference between blockchain and cryptocurrencies

The difference between blockchain and cryptocurrencies


3 The blockchain network

The blockchain network


4 Hashing Encryption

Hashing Encryption


5 The Genesis Block and other blocks

The Genesis Block and other blocks


6 Ethereum and its use cases

Ethereum and its use cases


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